January 2019: A further cyclone to the Qld Coastline, and North-West Western Australia.
Queensland: Good to heavy rains are indicated on most areas of Queensland during January. The month will produce further storm activity and rainfall throughout, with another Cyclone indicated to the Far North Coast, resulting in heavy falls to Coastal and adjoining areas. Rainfall will also affect the Western districts from systems travelling from Western Australia and the Northern Territory.
New South Wales: Good to heavy rains are indicated on most areas of New South Wales. The influence of rainfall will be generated by storm activity and also systems travelling from the North West of the country.
Victoria: Reasonably good to good rains are indicated on a number of areas, with the heavier falls occurring on the Upper North and North East. Moderate to reasonably good rains are indicated on parts of the Central, Western Plains and West Coast. Some minor flooding is indicated to the Central division-Melbourne and surrounds.
Tasmania: Varying rainfall from light to reasonably good is indicated to a number of areas, with some heavier falls occurring on parts of the West Coast.
South Australia: Varying rainfall from light to reasonably good is indicated on most areas of South Australia, although ‘better’ falls are indicated on the Far North, North East and Upper South East. Heavy storm rains and monsoonal rains should affect the Northern, Pastoral and Eastern border areas.
Western Australia: Heavy rains are indicated on the Kimberleys, with varying rainfall from light to good occurring on the De Grey division. Mainly dry to moderate falls are indicated on the remaining areas. This heavy rain to the Northern districts will be influenced by heavy storm activity and a low-pressure system forming at the beginning of the month.
Northern Territory: Good to heavy rains are indicated on most areas of the Northern Territory.
Hayden Walkers Weather can give you a personalised 12 month forecast, specifically for your area for planting, harvesting, mining, pipe laying, construction or any other activity where the weather can impact the project….before you invest a great deal of money contact us via our website: haydenwalkersweather.com or directly, 0408 846 890.
In the present state of this research no guarantee can be given as to the accuracy of this forecast as sunspot activity may intensify or dissipate.
